Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Random Thoughts

Went to see my Giants beat the Nationals 6-2 last Sunday. The stadium a disappointment when compared to the standard set by Camden Yards, PacBell park--no architectural elements to reflect the location in Our Nation's Capital, apart from the relentless red, white and blue. They do have mascots with huge George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt heads who do race from center field to a finish line along the first base line. Live version of the animated cable car race. Seat almost too hot to sit on at 1:00 in 95 degree heat, lucky for me I got tickets on the third base side, in the shade by the third inning. Strong performance by the Giants, good pitching, good clutch hitting.

It's been the best of times and the worst of times (well, not really) at HHS. I've decided that if I do end up in Purgatory I'll just say, "Naah, this isn't anything, I've been through the process of getting a security badge at HHS." After numerous visits to the Security Office, filling out lengthy, repetitious forms for a background check which I'm sure no one actually did, the day finally came when I was supposed to get my badge--when I was told that they had run out of badges. "Badges? We don't have no stinkin' badges."

For the best of times, I attended a meeting of the leadership group at HHS that is coordinating implementation of health care reform. Deputy Secretary Corr presides, Secretary Sebelius attended as well. Very impressive group, very impressive process. You're in good hands.

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